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Music Intranet - Policies

Follows are the departmental policies:



Please note: Department of Music policy states that, aside from water, no food or drink is allowed in any departmental space.


Classroom Equipment 2021

Supplemental Classroom A/V Equipment Policies

Updated August 2021

The Department of Music owns a limited inventory of A/V equipment and is available for classroom use, supplemental to what is provided in each classroom.

It is highly recommended that Faculty and Graduate Students review available resources and submit requests before the beginning of the quarter to insure equipment will be available for the first day of lecture.

The following policies apply:

  • Orders are taken by completing the on-line request form [EQUIPMENT CHECKOUT] 3 business days in advance to ensure availability of requested equipment. Electronic confirmation will follow ensuring that the order was received.
  • Users are responsible for security, care, and operation of the equipment while checked out. 
  • Sharing of equipment is not allowed without prior consent from the Facilities Assistant, or liaison.
  • Users are responsible for returning equipment at the agreed date and time. Please report any damage or malfunction of equipment immediately upon its return.
  • The Department of Music understands that equipment will break or malfunction when subjected to normal use. However, users may be held financially responsible for deliberate or negligent damage to the equipment.

Concert Production Guidelines 2024

Concert Production Guidelines

Updated October 2024; jcf

There are various types of Concerts that the Department of Music supports: Class Concerts, Faculty Concerts, Guest Concerts and Degree Required Concerts.

Concerts that are supported by the Department receive program, electronic flyer, inclusion in the “This Week in Music” email, and on our online Department of Music web site “Events” calendar. When producing your own concert, it is your responsibility to create your program and flyer.

You will need to submit these as a PDF and JPEG to the department via the intranet links:

The Department of Music has gone Green! For sustainability and conservation efforts, the Department no longer prints programs. Guests view concert programs by scanning QR codes at the door or from our concert events listings page. If you would like a printed program for your concert, producers are responsible for all printing costs and execution.

The Department of Music records audio for all degree required concerts, class concerts, faculty concerts and visiting artist’s concerts depending on artist’s permissions. Copies of concert recordings are available for concert participants five days following the concert. See Dubbing Policy Page.

All Department of Music concerts are video documented and live-streamed, unless the concert producer opts out of this service. Please indicate if you do not want video documentation or a live stream of your concert.

For Degree Required Concerts, you will need to submit a Recital Application in the Spring Quarter of the previous year. The form is available in the intranet form section.

  • Supported concerts are granted: venue access on the day of the concert, 10 hours of technical staff support (tech, rehearsal and performance), audio archive recording (performance only), program assistance, concert calendar placement and digital media promotions. 
  • Self-supported concerts are granted: venue access (only).

Listed below are the steps to assist you in the preparation and presentation of your concert. Please understand that this timeline is set up to guarantee that your concert needs will be met. If you are unable to provide information within this timeline, the Department of Music cannot guarantee that all your requests will be met.


  • Schedule a meeting with the Production Manager, to review your concert logistics. This will include:
    • Your technical, budgetary and any special requests that are required for your concert, this includes a Stage Diagram. (It may be determined that you will need to submit a request for Departmental Resources, if your concert falls outside the scope of the usual concert support).
    • Piano/harpsichord tunings are scheduled
    • Set schedule and crew requirements for the concert day.


  • Submit a PDF of your program and JPEG of your Digital Signage via the Intranet for printing and posting on the Concert Calendar.
  • Confirm your event schedule and crew needs with Production Manager


Please note that the “traditional” schedule template for supported events is:

5 p.m. CONCERT:
8 to 10:30 a.m. Piano Tuning (if necessary)
Noon - 3 p.m. Supported Dress Rehearsal / Sound check with staff
4:30 p.m. Doors
5:00 p.m. Concert begins

7 p.m. CONCERT:
8 to 10:30 a.m. Piano Tuning(if necessary)
2 - 5 p.m. Supported Dress Rehearsal / Sound check with staff
6:30 p.m. Doors
7:00 p.m. Concert begins

Please consult the Production Manager with any questions about any technical, production, schedule, and promotional logistics related to your concert, and they will direct you accordingly. Thank you!

CPMC 122 Policy 2021

CPMC 122 Policy


Revised: 9/8/2015 TFH; 8/9/21 jcf

CPMC 122, aka the “Experimental Theater” is a research space with performance and advanced audio and theatrical capabilities. The room is heavily used and makes use of both simple (“lecture” ) and complex (“production”) audio visual configurations. While the room is checked regularly to ensure these systems function as designed, review and repair can be days or weeks between uses. So, it is up to the users to return uphold the etiquette of the space. This policy is written with this in mind and revised quarterly.

  1.  Room access is limited to supported events, approved self-supported events and approved labs. The Facilities Manager will review requests for exceptions to the room access policy. 
  2.  Equipment housed in the room is NEVER to leave without prior approval of the Facilities Manager. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Any missing equipment will be immediately reported stolen to campus and local police. It is the responsibility of room users to report any equipment security violations immediately to the Facilities Manager. In the case that none of the above can be reached, it is the responsibility of the student to report missing equipment to campus and local police.
  3.  Those responsible for violations of room policy (especially those that endanger the security of the room’s holdings or other users' work) will be asked to retake the facilities orientation and may be subject to suspension or cancellation of room privileges.
  4.  Keycard Access: Faculty and students with approved access may request keycard access from the Facilities Manager through the Department Intranet. Keycard access is not required during scheduled courses or self-supported events. Participation in the CPMC 122 Facility orientation is required before keycards will be activate.
  5.  Users must never leave the room unlocked when unattended. Doors should never be propped open.



  1.  Do not change hardwired room connections or equipment placement. The lectern can be rotated or moved within the constraints of its umbilical. Do not unplug or attempt to open or modify the lectern or it’s wall panel. Do not unplug or reorient the house speakers or sub-woofers. Changing any part of the room infrastructure is a violation of the room policy.
  2.  Do not leave instruments or personal property in the room unattended.
  3.  Please respect the work, data and access needs of your colleagues. Please be willing to negotiate for studio times with your fellow users – you may need a favor too, some day!
  4.  The room has many advanced capabilities which, when changed, may prevent other scheduled events from functioning properly. Do not use any system for which you have not been oriented. Do not plug audio, video or networking without prior guidance from facilities staff. This includes lighting, clear-com headsets, digital audio (Cobranet, Dante), ethernet and other theatrical systems such as the “Production” area of the Crestron control system. Connecting digital audio to the campus ethernet, for example, may prevent the system from operating correctly. See the “CPMC 122 Overview” document for technical information on the space.
  5.  Pay attention not to damage the stage floor pockets when moving the piano. The piano in this room is only to be used for traditional performance (no “prepared” techniques) and should be treated with respect. Do not place items on the piano. Do not sit or stand on the piano. Close, cover and return the piano and its bench to the back of the stage.
  6.  Departmental staff are available to assist with technical issues. Plan ahead and contact those at listed on the bottom of this policy for assistance.
  7.  Food and drink are not permitted in CPMC 122.
  8.  The use of open flame (candles, cigarettes) and atmosphere generators (hazers, fog machines and/or compressed gasses) are not permitted in the building, under any circumstances. Smoke and fire alarm sensors are particle based readers. Please consult Production for safe alternatives.
  9.  Scenic construction and “building”, i.e. sawdust generation, painting, or welding, are not permitted in the Experimental Theater.
  10.  Make sure all emergency exits are cleared of furniture, speakers, etc., and maintain a minimum of 36” for all egress aisles. It is imperative that all exit paths remain clear and easily accessible. All cables near access points and exits must be “dressed” and taped down. Do not alter or cover exit signage.



  1.  Crestron - reduce the Program Volume (below 50%) and shutdown.
  2.  Podium - Coil cables inside. Return the remote and any loose cables to the drawer. Remove any DVDs from the DVD player. The 5.1 test DVD can remain in the drawer.
  3.  Stage - Close, cover and return the Piano to the back.
  4.  Doors - Close all outer doors. Check that the 2 keyed outer doors are locked.
  5.  Booth - If you accessed the booth, return the booth to it’s default.
  6.  Repairs - if you notice any problems with equipment or the room, fill out the online EQUIPMENT REPAIR FORM: ( or e-mail If you notice that the room was not at its default when you arrived, please notify us while still work towards resetting it.
  7.  Left Items - take left items to the “lost and found” (CPMC 109).



Users who meet room access qualifications must observe the following policy for room access:

  1.  Courses - CPMC 122 is not booked for any courses.
  2.  Supported concerts - All supported concerts are approved by the Concert Committee and scheduled by the Production Manager at least a quarter in advance.
  3.  Additional Labs - CPMC is not booked for any course Labs.
  4.  Self Supported Events (and rehearsals) - Such events MUST be submitted by WEEK 5 of the quarter prior to desired event date using the onine form - ( All applications will be reviewed for approval by the Concert Committee and subject to the Self Supported Event Policy.
  5.  Recurring events - CPMC is not booked for any recurring events.
  6.  Room schedule - All approved room use is displayed in the online Event Management System (EMS). This can be viewed by Faculty and Grad students via Virtual EMS ( Drop-in use of classrooms is not allowed, even if the room appears to be unused. CPMC 122 is reserved for user group use on most Wednesdays (again, refer to EMS for the complete view).
  7.  Equipment - All 122 equipment-use requires that someone who is 122-approved be present - Event Mgr, 122 Production RA, or a user who has both completed 1 quarter in the users' group and is currently part of the users' group. 
  8.  Documentation - Detailed documentation and maintenance status is kept on the google site: Anyone in the users' group may have read/write access to this. 
  9.  Keycard access - CPMC 122 keycard access is provided to: All Event Managers, 122 Production RA, Any user who has: (1) completed 1 quarter in the user group, (2) is currently part of the FA15 user group and (3) has approval by the 122 Production RA. While keycards may be setup to work outside of reserved times (such as Wednesdays), users should not access the room or booth outside of their reserved time. 
  10.  Booth - CPMC 122 Booth (214), network and grid access will be provided to: Event Managers, 122 Production RA, Recording Engineers, their supervised guests and qualified production student workers. 
  11.  Rehearsals - Those approved users requiring access to 122 for rehearsals and staging may obtain keycard access for their reserved time. Equipment use (lighting, audio and video) requires that a 122-approved member be present all all times during its use. Designers may also require 214 booth and/or grid access. Jessica has a list of approved designers.
  12.  Communication - The CPMC Production RA will communicate this access policy to all users with access. 
  13.  Exceptions - All other exceptions will be approved by the department Chair.
Brady Baker, Facilities Assistant -
Neal Bociek, Facilities Manager -
Jessica Flores, Production Manager -
Trevor Henthorn, Computer Programmer -


CPMC 127 Policy 2012

CPMC 127 Policy


Revised: 1/15/2013 TFH

CPMC 127, aka the “Recital Hall” is a classroom with performance and advanced audio and theatrical capabilities. The room is heavily used and makes use of both simple (“lecture” ) and complex (“production”) audio visual configurations. While the room is checked regularly to ensure these systems function as designed, review and repair can be days or weeks between uses. So, it is up to the users to return uphold the etiquette of the space. This policy is written with this in mind and revised quarterly.

  1.  Room access is limited to courses scheduled with the UCSD Registrar, supported events, approved self-supported events and approved labs. The Facilities Manager will review requests for exceptions to the room access policy. 
  2.  Equipment housed in the room is NEVER to leave without prior approval of the Facilities Manager. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Any missing equipment will be immediately reported stolen to campus and local police. It is the responsibility of room users to report any equipment security violations immediately to the Facilities Manager. In the case that none of the above can be reached, it is the responsibility of the student to report missing equipment to campus and local police.
  3.  Those responsible for violations of room policy (especially those that endanger the security of the room’s holdings or other users' work) will be asked to retake the facilities orientation and may be subject to suspension or cancellation of room privileges.
  4.  Keycard Access: Faculty and students with approved access may request keycard access from the Facilities Manager through the Music Department Intranet: Keycard access is not required during scheduled courses or self-supported events. Participation in the CPMC 127 Facility orientation is required before keycards will be activate.
  5.  Users must never leave the room unlocked when unattended. Doors should never be propped open.



  1.  Do not change hardwired room connections or equipment placement. The lectern can be rotated or moved within the constraints of its umbilical. Do not unplug or attempt to open or modify the lectern or it’s wall panel. Do not unplug or reorient the house speakers or sub-woofers. Changing any part of the room infrastructure is a violation of the room policy.
  2.  Do not leave instruments or personal property in the room unattended.
  3.  Please respect the work, data and access needs of your colleagues. Please be willing to negotiate for studio times with your fellow users – you may need a favor too, some day!
  4.  The room has many advanced capabilities which, when changed, may prevent other scheduled events from functioning properly. Do not use any system for which you have not been oriented. Do not plug audio, video or networking without prior guidance from facilities staff. This includes lighting, clear-com headsets, digital audio (Cobranet), ethernet and other theatrical systems such as the “Production” area of the Crestron control system. Connecting the Cobranet to the campus ethernet, for example, may prevent the system from operating correctly. See the “CPMC 127 Overview” document for technical information on the space.
  5.  Do not attempt to the move the piano off of the stage. Pay attention not to damaged the stage floor pockets when moving the piano. The piano in this room is only to be used for traditional performance (no “prepared” techniques) and should be treated with respect. Do not place items on the piano. Do not sit or stand on the piano. Close, cover and return the piano and its bench to the back of the stage.
  6.  Departmental staff are available to assist with technical issues. Plan ahead and contact those at listed on the bottom of this policy for assistance.
  7.  Food and drink are not permitted in CPMC 127



  1.  Crestron - reduce the Program Volume (below 50%) and shutdown
  2.  Podium - Turn off the RME and then powerstrip at the top/right of Podium. Coil cables inside. Return the remote and any loose cables to the drawer. Remove any DVDs from the DVD player. The 5.1 test DVD can remain in the drawer.
  3.  Stage - Return stands and chairs to the vestibules. Close, cover and return the Piano to the back.
  4.  Doors - Close all vestibule and outer doors. Check that the 2 keyed outer doors are locked. 
  5.  Booth - If you accessed the booth, return the booth to it’s default.
  6.  Repairs - if you notice any problems with equipment or the room, fill out the online repair form ( or e-mail and note the problemsin the “CPMC 127 Log” book in the drawer of the podium. If you notice that the room was not at its default when you arrived, please not that but still work towards resetting it.
  7.  Left Items - take left items to the “lost and found” (CPMC 109)



Users who meet room access qualifications must observe the following policy for room access: 

  1.  Courses - CPMC 127 is booked for courses and labs with the a quarter in advance. All such courses and labs will show on the Blink schedule as well as the “Course Schedule” on the departmental website (
  2.  Supported concerts - All supported concerts are approved by the Concert Committee and scheduled by the Production Manager at least a quarter in advance.
  3.  Additional Labs - Labs may be added on to some courses to account for Instructor need. To schedule time that is unknown to the registrar use the “Room Reservation” request form: at least 3 days in advance.
  4.  Self Supported Events (and rehearsals) - Such events MUST be submitted by WEEK 5 of the quarter prior to desired event date using the onine form - ( All applications will be reviewed for approval by the Concert Committee and subject to the Self Supported Event Policy.
  5.  Recurring events - are only allowed when association with a course.
  6.  Room schedule - All approved room use is displayed in the online Event Management System. This can be viewed by Faculty and Grad students via Virtual EMS ( Drop-in use of classrooms is not allowed, even if the room appears to be unused.


Brady Baker, Facilities Assistant -
Neal Bociek, Facilities Manager -
Jessica Flores, Production Manager -
Trevor Henthorn, Audio Computing Manager -

Equipment Checkout 2010

Equipment Checkout Guidelines, Responsibilities, Terms of Use

Updated July 2010



The Department of Music provides checkout equipment to Department of Music Graduate and Undergraduate Majors to support participation in performance, course work, and other music activities.


Request Process:

Department of Music Checkout Equipment must be requested using the on-line request form (available through the intranet: Forms). Checkout requests must be submitted 3 business days in advance. If the requested equipment will be used off-campus, then a Request for Department Resources form must be completed (also available through intranet)



  1.  The First priority for assigning checkout equipment is to support required Department of Music performance activities.
  2.  Second to provide support for non-performance Department of Music instruction.
  3.  Third is to support general academic program music activities for Department of Music Students.



Checkout and Return times are as follows: 

Checkout: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Return: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Longer duration loans can be made with special arrangement at the discretion of the Department of Music. Extended checkout requests must be accompanied by a completed Request for Departmental Resources.

All equipment is subject to recall to meet Department of Music needs, and cooperation sharing equipment with other users is encouraged (e.g. for multiple performances on the weekends).



Checkout of Department of Music equipment is at the discretion of the Department of Music. The priority of the equipment’s intended use, the needs of the Department of Music for support of other activities, the degree of expertise required to properly operate the equipment, and the previous history of reliable use, are all factors weighed in making the decision to checkout equipment to a specific user.



The equipment user assumes the following responsibilities.

  1.  Responsible for the security and operation of the equipment.
  2.  Responsible for returning the equipment to the Department of Music Facilities Assistant, or liaison, at the agreed time and date.
  3. Responsible to report any damage or malfunction of the equipment to the Department of Music.

While the Department of Music understands that equipment will break or malfunction when subjected to normal use, the user may be held financially responsible for deliberate or negligent equipment damage.

Failure to abide by the guidelines may result in loss of future equipment check out privileges!

Fiscal Support Policy 2024-2025

Fiscal Support Policy

Updated September 2024


Departmental Travel Funds

The Department MAY offer travel grants. The Graduate Student Advisor will send out a call for applications via email. It is your responsibility to check your UCSD email.

Travel grants may be paid as a stipend. Stipend income is considered taxable income, however, UCSD may not withhold taxes. It is your responsibility to report taxable payments to the IRS.


Graduate Student Travel and Research Grant Funding

Before applying for Graduate Student Travel and Research Grant funding, please read the policy

To submit an application, complete the Graduate Travel and Research form available at the Music Intranet web portal. 

Documentation of Expenses: For auditing purposes, regardless of purchase or payment method used, all recipients must provide documentation of any expenses incurred for this grant as required by university policy and according to the Department of Music reimbursement processes. Documentation may include an itemized receipt, invoice, email confirmation, and/or other proof of transaction.

Documentation Submissions: Documentation of expenses and airfare should be submitted after the travel/research has occurred to Maria Pineda ( and Olivia Rochelle (


Honorarium Requests

Honorariums must be requested and approved in advance. You may NOT pay honoraria directly as the payment must be processed through the Fiscal Staff. To request an honorarium payment, please contact Maria Pineda ( and Olivia Rochelle (



Welcome Week Presentation for Graduates



ICAM Studio Policy 2019

ICAM Studio Usage Policies

Revised 11/2019



  1.  Studio access is limited to current students enrolled in Music 173, 174, 176, 198, 199, ICAM/Music 160, students who have completed 174, graduate students who have successfully completed training with the studio RA, and faculty/staff and their collaborators. Guest use of the ICAM studios must be cleared through the Studio Director, Tom Erbe. The Studio Director will review all requests for exceptions to studio access policies.
  2.  Equipment housed in the ICAM studios is NEVER to leave the studio without prior approval of the Studio Director. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Any missing equipment will be immediately reported stolen to campus and local police. It is the responsibility of studio users to report any equipment security violations immediately to appropriate faculty/staff or grad. assistants. In the case that none of the above can be reached, it is the responsibility of the student to report missing equipment to campus and local police.
  3.  Students responsible for violations of studio policy (especially those that endanger the security of the studio's holdings or other users' work or data) will be subject to suspension or cancellation of studio privileges.
  4.  Key Card Access: Students with approved access may request key card access from the Facilities Manager through the Music Department website:
  5.  Students must never leave the studio(s) unlocked when unattended. Doors should never be propped open.



  1.  Copying and distributing commercially sold software or documentation is illegal. Studio users must comply with the license agreements and copyright notices of each software package used and the fair use policies of UCSD IT Services.
  2.  The purpose of the ICAM studios is to support recording, production, and electronic/computer music creation. These activities take priority in the ICAM studios. Those using the studios for other activities should give up their time if a user needs to use it for the intended purpose.
  3.  It is the responsibility of the student to back up his or her own files. Back up your files on your own drive; store your working files in your own file folder on the hard disk in "My Name" folder. Please delete old files periodically, limiting the contents of your folder to 25 gigabytes. The studio managers will attempt to contact users before disks are reformatted or cleaned of old files, but after repeated attempts to contact users by email any old files are subject to deletion.
  4.  The "ICAM File Share" is provided for temporary network storage and accessible from all studio and lab computers. Projects should be removed from the file share when the transfer is complete.
  5.  Never delete anything from a hard disk except your own files.
  6.  Do not change hard-wired studio connections or equipment placement.
  7.  Do not leave instruments or personal property in the studio.
  8.  Food and liquids are not allowed in any of the studios.
  9.  Please respect the work, data and access needs of your colleagues. Please be willing to negotiate for studio times with your fellow users – you may need a favor too some day!



  1.  Mute the monitors and turn down the monitor volume.
  2.  Remove all patch-cords from the patch bay.
  3.  Do not turn off equipment or computer.
  4.  Return the mixer or control surface to the default patch.



Users who meet studio access qualifications (see I - A. above) must observe the following policy for studio access:

  1.  All use of the ICAM studio is booked and logged via the online self-scheduler: There is no drop-in access.
  2.  Users may sign up for up to two 6-hour blocks of time. Those who sign up for more than this will have their reservations deleted without notice.
  3.  Users may sign up for time up to 2 weeks in advance of use.
  4.  If you need exception to these limits for special projects, contact the Studio Director.
  5.  Departmental project support and maintenance and repair of the studio will take precedence, when necessary, over student projects.


Tom Erbe, Studio Director

Neal Bociek, Facilities Manager

Trevor Henthorn, Audio Computing Manager

Interim Audio Guidelines-5

Interim Audio Guidelines-5

Issued by: Special Collections, University Library

Date of Issue: May 21, 2007


Audio and Video Material

Acceptable audio formats are AIF (.aif), or WAV (.wav) files in 44.1K/16bit mono or interleaved stereo on CD-R (MAC & PC compatibility) or DVD (ISO 9660).


For Music Department students (MA/Ph.D/DMA): Submit 96K/24B BWF (broadcast wave format) .wav mono (L/R or Surround) files for each piece and 44.1K/16B WAV .wav interleaved stereo files that match the 96K files on CD-R (MAC & PC compatibility) or DVD (ISO 9660). If available, submit the performance program in .pdf format. For guidance on file naming conventions, contact the Music Department.


VHS tape is the preferred format for video submission. The University Archivist will also accept Apple Quick Time (.mov), Microsoft Audio Video Interleaved (.avi), or MPEG (.mpg) on CD-R (MAC & PC compatibility) or DVD (ISO 9660).


Tapes, CD-Rs or DVDs must be labeled (typed) with the name of the student, title(s) of the work(s) and corresponding filenames for electronic files and should be the last entry on the Table of Contents.

Key Policy Graduate 2010

Graduate Access/Key Use Issuance Policy

Updated July 2010

Once issued access/key(s), you are responsible for security of the room and its contents while the room is open during the exercise for which the access/key(s) is issued. It is your responsibility to return the room to its original condition after it’s use, and to make sure it is locked when you leave. It is against Department of Music policy to loan your access/key(s) to others. You are solely responsible in returning your access/key(s) at the specified due date.

To obtain an access/key(s), complete a Key Request Form available on the Department of Music Intranet. Leave the completed form with the Facilities Manager room 177. Access/key(s) will be ready for pickup in three business days.

Key issuance guidelines:

  • Graduate Music students are issued keys to provide access to rooms required for their academic work and to allow them to perform their assigned duties as Teaching and Research Assistants.
  • Access/key(s) will normally be issued for the full Academic year (Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter). Exceptions would include cases where the student would complete University work and leave before the end of the Academic year. Other cases would be temporary access/key(s) use to complete a specific project.
  • All classroom access/key(s) are due at the end of Spring Quarter. Continuing graduate students may renew practice room and TA office access/key(s) for the summer months.
  • Graduate Music students are not required to pay a deposit. However, they may be disciplined for loss, misuse, or failure to check-in their access/key(s) when they are due or before they depart the University. Discipline may include loss of key privileges and/or fines to repair damage, replace access/key(s) and re-key locks.
  • Graduate Music students may request keys by completing a Access/Key Request form may be downloaded from the intranet


Key Policy Undergraduate 2010

Undergraduate Access/Key Use: Issuance Policy

Updated July 2010

Once issued an access/key(s), you are responsible for security of the room and its contents while the room is open during the exercise for which the access/key(s) is issued. It is your responsibility to return the room to its original condition after it’s use, and to make sure it is locked when you leave. It is against Department of Music policy to loan your access/key(s) to others. You are solely responsible in returning your access/key(s) at the specified due date.

To obtain access/key(s), complete Access/Key Request Form available on the Department of Music Intranet. Leave the completed form with the Facilities Manager room 177. Access/key(s) will be ready for pickup in three business days.

Access/Key issuance guidelines:

  • Undergraduate Music students are normally only eligible for access/key(s) to the instrument locker room and practice rooms. There are circumstances delineated by separate practice policies that allow Undergraduates access to classrooms and other spaces.
  • Locker and practice room access/key(s) are normally issued for the full Academic year (Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter). Exceptions would include cases where the student would complete University work and leave before the end of the Academic year. Other cases would be temporary key use to complete a specific project. For class associated issued access/key(s) are due on the Friday of tenth (10) week of the quarter issued.
  • All Department of Music access/key(s) are due by the end of Spring Quarter.
  • Undergraduate students may request Summer Session access to practice rooms after attaining authorization from a Music faculty member.
  • Undergraduates are required to pay a $10.00 fee, checks payable to UC Regents. Loss, misuse, or failure to return access/key(s) when due or before departing the University may result in loss of access/key(s) use privileges, forfeit of access/key(s) deposit, and reimbursing the Music Department for damages, replacing and re-key locks. Failure to return access/key(s) after 11 days from due date may result in a notice to the UCSD BURSARS office to HOLD REGISTRATION.
  • Undergraduate Music students may request keys by completing an Access/Key Request form may be downloaded at Department of Music Intranet. Requests must be authorized by the Department of Music academic affairs. Non-music majors must have Faculty authorization as well as Department of Music academic affairs authorization.


Locker Policy 2012

Locker Policy

Updated July 2012

  1. A locker for storage of personal instruments is available to Department of Music Graduate Students, Undergraduate Majors, and Minors who are currently enrolled in a Music course. Lockers are assigned to suit the primary instrument of the user.
  2. Users must supply their own lock.
  3. Lockers are located in CPMC 143 & 146.
  4. Priority for locker use is as follows:
    • Graduate Performance Students
    • Undergraduate Music Performance Students
    • Other Graduate Students (IS, Composition, Technology)
    • Other Undergraduate Students currently enrolled in a Music course.
  5. All lockers must be cleared out at the end of each Academic Year.
Lockers may be used during the summer under special circumstances and must be approved by the Department.


*** The Department of Music is not responsible (against theft or damage) for personal belongings stored in the locker room. Students use the locker room at their own risk to security of the items stored within. *

Locker Policy as PDF

MA PhD DMA Data-CD DVD Sample 2010


Masters And PhD-DMA Sample 2011

Masters and PhD/DMA Data-CD/DVD Sample

Updated 8/12/11 v.2

(Masters and Ph.D./DMA candidates are required to submit 2 copies of the CD-R/DVD.

Ph.D. candidates may also submit electronically to Proquest and may submit two paper copies if they choose to do so. Submit either one copy to Special Collections and one copy to the Music Library, or both copies to Special Collections and Special Collections will distribute to the Music Library.) NOTE: Please speak with Special Collections regarding uploads.

The Data-DVD should be ISO 9660 format. Although this format has several restrictions in file names, it is the most readable disc format for cross platform compatibility. (see below)

Include every document required for your degree, in the appropriate format, on the disc. The files to include on the disc are: (note: some degrees may require additional file other than those listed. Include them. The list below is for example only)

  • Thesis or Dissertation in .pdf format
  • Sound files in 96K/24B .bwav mono (left/right pairs)
    • In the case of 5.1 multi-channel sound files, order them L/R, C/Sub, LS/RS. For all other formats, number the channels and provide a speaker assignment chart.
    • All files should be flattened. – one continuous file with no edits and no processing or automation required for correct playback.
(In the case of multi-channel sound materials, a stereo downmix should also be included)
  • Sound files in 44.1K/16B .bwav stereo interleaved
  • Concert program (or program notes if it is a studio recording) in .pdf format.

Note: The 96K/24B sound files and the 44.1/16B sound files should be in separate folders.

Name each sound file as follows:

(MasterʼsThesis-PhD-DMADissertationName-TrackNumber-PieceName) InTheNickOfTime-01-PieceName

The total file name must be 31 characters or less (including all dots, dashes, etc. Spaces are not allowed).

For Sound files, allow 6 characters for the file type [.L.wav] and 4 characters for the Track number [-01-]. This leaves 21 characters for the Name of the MasterʼsThesis-PhD-DMA Dissertation and the name of the piece.

The Discs must be submitted in Polypropylene Disc cases.

Format questions can be directed to or to



Piano Tuning Policy 2024

The Department of Music is committed to providing essential maintenance to department instruments to ensure their viable use and performance for instructors and students during academic activities.  As the cost of piano tuning continues to rise and the resource allocation for department operations decreases, it has become imperative to develop a policy for allocating funds for piano tuning costs.

Once per academic year the department will cover the cost of tuning every department owned piano before the beginning of fall quarter.  In addition, the department will cover the cost of one (1) piano tuning under the following circumstances:

  • Once per quarter for listed courses that require a piano.  
  • Graduate students’ required performances as stipulated by the curriculum.
  • Department sponsored major events.
  • Faculty performance or event, 1 (one) time per event.  

It is the responsibility of faculty to cover the cost of piano tuning as follows:

  • For invited guests or faculty sponsored events.
  • For individual faculty practice.
  • Individual faculty performance or events beyond the one tuning the department will cover (see above).
  • Collaborative events that are not related to a course.

Units that rent department spaces or use department spaces will incur the cost of piano tuning as need is determined.  

Recital and concert request submitted to the Concert Committee, or the Recording Committee must include the cost of piano tunings as part of the total budget.  Piano tuning costs will count toward the total budget allocation for department funded events, approved by the Concert Committee and the Recording Committee.

Practice Room Policy 2023

Practice Room Policy

Updated 2023

The following is a summary of practice facilities, their availability, and the policies, which control their use. Failure to follow the policy will result in loss of keycard access.


Practice Room Use/Scheduling

The Department of Music provides access to practice rooms for the following (In order of priority):

  1.  Faculty & Lecturers
  2.  Graduate Music Students
  3.  Undergraduate Music Majors (actively enrolled)
  4.  Undergraduate Music Minors (actively enrolled)
  5.  Non-Music Major Undergraduate and Graduate Students actively enrolled in Music courses

Do not enter a practice room occupied by someone else unless they explicitly invite you in. Reserving a practice room does create an expectation of privacy which needs to be respected.

The Department of Music is not responsible for personal items left in practice rooms and modules.

Department of Music policy states that, aside from water,  no food or drink is allowed in any practice room. Bottled water is allowed, but not to be placed on the pianos.

General Practice Rooms

General Practice Rooms are available Music Faculty, Music Lecturers, Music Graduate Students, actively enrolled Undergraduate Music Majors, and Undergraduate Music Minors 7 days a week, 24 hours a day during the standard academic year (Fall through Spring Quarters) while instruction is in progress. All other Music Students may access the practice rooms during Department of Music regular business hours Monday – Friday, 8:00a – 9:00p during the academic year, (subject to change at the Department of Music’s discretion).

Intended use of the rooms and modules is for piano practice, other musical instrument practice, teaching individual music 32/132 lessons, or small chamber ensemble rehearsal. Amplified music is not permitted in general practice rooms.

Using sign-up sheets posted on each practice room door Music Majors and Minors may reserve the room. Music Majors and Minors may use the sign-up sheets to reserve practice rooms for a maximum time of 2 hours per room per day. New sign-up sheets are posted every Monday morning during the academic year.


Grand Piano & Harpsichord Practice Rooms

Grand Piano Practice Modules are available by key access only and are to remain locked at all times. Intended use of the room is for grand piano and Harpsichord practice or small chamber ensemble rehearsal.

Amplified music is not permitted in these rooms.

Using sign-up sheets posted on each practice room door Music Majors and Minors may reserve the room. Music Majors and Minors may use the sign-up sheets to reserve practice rooms for a maximum time of 2 hours per room per day. New sign-up sheets are posted every Monday morning during the academic year.

Production Equipment Policy 2021

Production Equipment Policy

Updated August 2021


Production Equipment Purpose

The use of Music Department production equipment is restricted to staff supported concert events and rehearsals in the Concert Hall (100), Experimental Theatre (122), and Recital Hall (127).


Exceptions Guideline 

  • Only Music Department faculty can request to be loaned production equipment for use at Calit2 facilities and must be present for the entire event including rehearsals.
  • Priority of production equipment use is given to scheduled rehearsals and concerts at CPMC. 
  • Music Department staff must transport all production equipment.
  • Please arrange for pick-ups and returns of equipment needs for your event ahead of time.


Equipment for use at CPMC only

Please make note that the following production equipment is for use by Music Department undergraduate, graduate, and faculty ONLY at staff supported concert events and rehearsals in the Concert Hall (100), Experimental Theatre (122), and Recital Hall (127):

  • Apple Mac Pro Desktop Computer.
  • RME Fireface 800 firewire audio interface.
  • Samsung display monitor.
  • Apple USB keyboard, USB mouse, and Magic Mouse.
  • Send software requests to



  • The Meyer UPJ’s are for INTERIOR, stage operations and supported programming.
  • Please use the QSC K10’s for activity in the hallways or outside use.
  • The Mackie SRM 450’s are available for checkout and external events.

Self-Supported Events

Any technical needs for self-supported events can be requested through Equipment Checkout at The checkout policy is posted on the Intranet.


Equipment Tracking

CPMC 108 has a whiteboard for tracking all equipment removed from the room.


Production Equipment Requests

Please direct any requests to:

David Espiritu, Production Coordinator

Recording Release


Request For Dept Support 2010

Request for Department Support

Updated July 2010

The Department of Music supports and encourages Outreach and Off-Campus concerts and events by the Faculty and Graduate students. The scope of these events varies widely, and in most cases has little impact on Scheduled Departmental Events. However, the following issues must be noted when any Departmental Resources are used off Campus for any reason.

  • University Policy requires that the individual using the resource notify the Department in writing of the resources being used at least 2 weeks prior to the use. This time is needed to process insurance forms (if required) and for confirmation that conflicts with Departmental resources or scheduled events do not exist. If notification is not acknowledged in writing within the prescribed timeframe, the individual assumes personal responsibility for any theft or damage to the equipment, instruments, or department resources used.

Self Supported Event Policy 2021

Self Supported Event Policies

Updated August 2021


Application Policies:

  1. Event application and sponsorship is limited to Department of Music Faculty and Graduate Students
  2. All applications must be completed via the online application located on the Music Intranet
  3.  Application deadlines are Monday of Week 5 for the term prior to requested performance date. The Concert Committee will review all Self Supported Event requests during week 5.


Use Policies:

  1.  As Contracted User you are required to be present for the entire event, including rehearsals. 
  2.  Room Capacity number includes audience and performers combined and you may not exceed that number:
    • The Recital Hall, Room 127: Capacity 170
    • Choral Room, Room 264: Capacity 60
  3.  You need to be officially trained on the room before access will be granted. There are training sessions scheduled a number of times each year.
  4.  Be aware that the only technical resources available to approved Self Support Activities are available in Checkout. These items need to be reserved in advance during regular checkout hours. No additional sound reinforcement, seating (chairs), theatrical lighting, or scenic design elements will be supported via Production. ALL items must be arranged in advance via checkout. Self supported events are not staffed by Department of Music Production employees.
  5.  Arrange for the pick up and return of any keys, keycard access, and door unlock requests you may need for your event, with the Facilities Manager at least 24 hours prior to your event.
  6.  Make sure all the exits are cleared of furniture, speakers, etc. It is imperative that all exit paths remain clear and easily accessible. All cables near access points and exits must be “dressed” and taped down. Please note text for public announcement on the next page.
  7.  Department of Music policy states that there is no food or drink in any CPMC Classrooms, Performance Space, or Hallways. The use of fire, atmosphere generation, fog machines, or smoke-producing devices is strictly prohibited. The distribution and consumption of alcohol and the possession of firearms in Department of Music buildings is strictly prohibited any may be reason for expulsion.
  8.  All students are responsible for abiding by all University of California Standards of Conduct for Students as well as all UC Policies regarding student conduct.
  9.  After your event, unless other arrangements have been made with Production and/or Facilities:
    • Return the room, including all technical resources, to how you found it.
    • Clear away all trash in room to dumpsters in the loading dock area
    • Secure all equipment
    • Return keys to Facilities Manager the following business day
    • Return check out items the following check out day
    • Make sure all spaces you have used are secure when leaving the area.
  10.  A security deposit of $150.00 (cash or check made out to UC Regents) is required before access to the room will be granted. This check will be returned if the room is returned to its proper setup and clean of all debris.
  11.  If these policies are not followed, future access to the room by the Contracted User will be denied.


Pre Show Announcement:

In accordance to California State Law Health and Safety Code Section 13113.6, the Department of Music is reinstituting and requiring the following pre show announcement.

At Five Minutes prior to the published start time, please play recording or announce to the public:

Welcome to the UC San Diego Department of Music. As a courtesy to the artists and your fellow audience members please take this opportunity to turn off all mobile devices. The use of cameras and all recording devices is strictly prohibited. Also, please take this time to look around you and locate the nearest exit. The nearest exit might not be the door from which you entered the auditorium. Thank you and enjoy the performance.


All events are required to maintain clear pathways to Emergency Exits:

Warren Grad Offices Agreement 2014

Facilities Guidelines

Warren Graduate Student Offices/Practice Rooms

The following is a partial list of basic office and facility use guidelines that have been set by the University and the Department of Music. The intention of these guidelines is to provide a safe and healthy atmosphere for all graduate students. For a complete list of university rules, please visit the UCSD home page ( to view the University Policy and Procedure Manual.

  1.  Only currently enrolled Graduate students may use the Warren/Music Graduate Offices. No friends or relatives. This is a working space and needs to be available for ALL Graduate students.

  2.  No living in the Warren Graduate Offices/Practice Rooms. EH&S Health and Safety codes do not permit offices to be used as housing. Anyone suspected of living in a office/practice room runs the risk of losing office privileges.

  3.  There should not be consumption of Alcoholic beverages in the office spaces. This is a working only space.

  4.  Pets are not allowed inside any Warren space, which includes the offices/practice rooms. Pets outside on university property are required to be on a leash at all times.

  5.  There can be no smoking inside any university building. There is a no smoking policy in effect at UC San Diego.

  6.  You may not alter or add anything to the inside or outside of any university space; this includes the lockers. Anything found in violation will be removed and discarded.

  7.  All materials and personal effects must be kept inside lockers or your individual desk, not on patios or in common use spaces. Anything left out will be assumed trash and will be thrown out.

  8.  The offices, practice rooms, and desks must be returned, at the end of your usage, to the condition it was in when you received it. Repairs that have to be done beyond normal wear and tear will be charged to the individual responsible.

  9.  Please clean up after yourself. Any materials left out will be presumed trash and will be thrown away.

  10.  Respect your neighbors, faculty and staff who also work in the building.

  11.  Never share your keys or access codes. Repeated offenses will result in loss of access privileges.

  12.  Because entry to the office cluster by university workers is on a need-to-do basis, please help to self monitor your office space and report anything that seems abnormal. Examples: electrical problems, fire extinguishers needing recharge, plumbing leaks. Report these to the Facilities Manager or Assistant Facilities Manager as soon as possible.

  13.  There is a dumpster provided for your use located Southeast side of the building in parking lot #508. Place larger and heavy items to be thrown away in the dumpster. The smaller waste cans around the building cannot hold heavy items because the trash liners break when removing them.


CONTACTS: Facilities Manager, Neal Bociek (858) 534-2769
Assistant Facilities Manager, Brady Baker (858) 534-8878

Other Policies:

  1. Dubbing Policy
  2. Grad Travel/Research Grant Policy
  3.  Building Access Policy (updated for Fall 2021)
  4. Building Access Guidelines (additional information based on campus policy adjustments)