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Renee Wilkinson

Renee Wilkinson

Phone: 858-534-3273
Office: CPMC 193

Renee Wilkinson, Fiscal Assistant

Renee Wilkinson came to the Music Department from Scripps Institute of Oceanography where she worked in Finance.  Renee has over 5 years of experience in the fiscal arena, having worked both in and outside of the UC system.  She is experienced in fiscal transactions, reconciliation, budgeting, forecasting, etc. and is eager to learn more. Renee is a first generation American whose parents immigrated from Jamaica to provide her with amazing opportunities like working at UCSD.

In her free time, Renee finds herself cooking new recipes she finds online, scrolling through Pinterest and organizing her perfectly curated Pinterest boards, or playing video games. She’s currently playing Star Wars Outlaw on the PS5. If she’s not enjoying “The great indoors” as she likes to say, Renee likes going on hikes or RV camping around California. Renee deeply appreciates the amazing weather us San Diegans are blessed to experience most days of the year.