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Graduate ABD

  • Boris Acosta Jaramillo

    Boris Acosta Jaramillo


    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

  • Lilac Atassi

    Lilac Atassi


    Emphasis: Computer Music

  • Landon Bain

    Landon Bain


    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

  • Tyler J. Borden

    Tyler J. Borden


    Emphasis: Performance, Cello

  • Joseph Bourdeau

    Joseph Bourdeau


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Robert Bui

    Robert Bui

    Email: (he/him/his)

    M.A. UC San Diego

    B.M. New England Conservatory

    Emphasis: Performance, Cello

    Researching multimedia performance, concert program diversification, community engagement strategies, and modernized nontraditional forms of the concert experience


  • Mitchell Carlstrom

    Mitchell Carlstrom


    Emphasis: Performance, Percussion 

    Mitchell Carlstrom, a dedicated percussionist, creates thought-provoking music by redefining sound in space. He performs in various settings, from solo acts to chamber groups, crafting unique soundscapes for audiences. Carlstrom is known for his work with red fish blue fish, MinusOne Percussion Quartet, and Left Edge Percussion, touring extensively in the US and Mexico.


  • Matthew Chung

    Matthew Chung


    B.M. in Music Composition, University of Maryland, College Park

    B.S. in Physics, University of Maryland, College Park

    Emphasis: Computer Music

    Aesthetics, Teleology, Complex Systems, Computational Philosophy

  • Daniel Corral

    Daniel Corral


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Charles Deluga

    Charles Deluga


    Emphasis: Computer Music

  • Pablo Dodero

    Pablo Dodero

    Email: (he/him/his)

    B.A. in International Business-English/North America, San Diego State University

    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

    Research interests include the origins of electronic music in Mexico and the practices of Mexican electronic music instrument designers. Additionally interested in contributing to Latin American Science and Technology Studies and archival work in Mexico.

  • Stephen de Filippo

    Stephen de Filippo


    M.A. Music Composition, University of California, San Diego

    B.A. Music Studies and Anthropology, University of Western Australia

    Emphasis: Composition

    My focus is on music composition, specifically centering around experimental performance practice, considerations of place, and Australian vernacular culture. I work in both acoustic and electro-acoustic art music contexts, exploring the intersection of art music, media and experimental practice. Often, I use field recordings in these works. I am also a vocalist, with a preference for performing with a megaphone.

  • Rose Dwyer

    Rose Dwyer


    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

  • Mariana Flores

    Mariana Flores


    Emphasis: Performance, Voice

  • Juliana Gaona Villamizar

    Juliana Gaona Villamizar


    Emphasis: Performance

  • Erin Graham

    Erin Graham

    Email: (they, them)

    M.M. in Composition, Rice University

    Emphasis: Composition

    My research centers around forms of distortion and unconventional narratives, focusing particularly on grotesque exaggeration and dark existential humor primarily within the work of Györgi Ligeti and Unsuk Chin. I also am interested in researching genres ranging from the Los Angeles Beat Scene and its history and founders to post-punk, gothic rock, and darkwave.


  • Madison Greenstone

    Madison Greenstone


    Emphasis: Performance, Clarinet

  • Nathaniel Haering

    Nathaniel Haering


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Matthew Henson

    Matthew Henson


    M.A. in Music, University of California San Diego 

    B.M. in Double Bass Performance, New England Conservatory 

    Emphasis: Performance, Bass

     Classical and Contemporary Double Bass playing, Conducting, and Music Theory

  • Myra Hinrichs

    Myra Hinrichs


    Emphasis: Performance, Violin

  • Jeremy Hyrkas

    Jeremy Hyrkas


    M.M. Music Technology, New York University

    M.S. Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

    B.S. Computer Science, Colorado State University

    Emphasis: Computer Music 

    I am a music researcher focused on perceptually-inspired signal processing and sound synthesis techniques. Currently, I am working on modifying perceptual attributes of sound mixtures in the context of concatenative synthesis and audio mixing. My broader research interests include corpus-based synthesis algorithms, computer music systems and the perception of spatial audio techniques in both musical and non-musical contexts.


  • Sasha Ishov

    Sasha Ishov

    Email: (he, him, his)

    B.M. Flute Performance, Eastman School of Music 

    Emphasis: Performance, Flute

    My performance practice is grounded in two major axes: the co-creation of new acoustic and electroacoustic works, and the showcasing of existing repertoire that challenges perceptions of the historical canon. As a researcher, I explore the intersection between interface design, pedagogy, and electronics. I write about models for performer-composer interaction, the impact of microphone placement on the perception of flute technique, and the use of interactive technology to create more dynamic music theory classrooms.

  • Michael Jones

    Michael Jones

    Email: (he, they)

    B.M. University of Hartford, The Hartt School

    Emphasis: Performance, Percussion

    Percussion, contemporary music, modernism, critical/feminist/queer phenomenology, speculative realism


  • Tornike Karchkhadze

    Tornike Karchkhadze

    Email: Music Technology, Institute of Sonology, Royal Conservatoire The Hague 

    B.A. in Music Tecnology, Tbilisi State Conservatoire

    B.A. in Physics, Tbilisi State University 

    Emphasis: Computer Music

    Computer music, Deep neural sound synthesis, Audio/Music generative models

  • Sergey Kasich

    Sergey Kasich


    Emphasis: Computer Music

  • Nasim Khorassani

    Nasim Khorassani

    Email: (she, her, hers)

    M.M. in Composition, Cleveland State University

    Emphasis: Composition

    My music explores multi-sensory perception in connection with space, energy, timbre, and visuality, as well as elements from Iranian heritage like music, poetry, and Persian language.


  • Jiyoung Ko

    Jiyoung Ko


    M.M. Composition, New England Conservatory

    M.A. and B.A. Composition, Korea National University of Arts

    Emphasis: Composition

    My main focus is crafting orchestral, chamber, and vocal music. The narratives I embed in my compositions serve as a guiding force in shaping my artistic expressions. I write music primarily about people, landscapes, and experiences, and my affinity for dense and rich textures, resonant hues, and poetic and delicate melodies shines through in all of my creations.


  • Peter Ko

    Peter Ko

    Email:  (he/him)

    M.M. in Music Cello Performance, Memorial University of Newfoundland

    B.A. in Music Performance, University of California San Diego

    Emphasis: Performance, Cello

    Contemporary Music Cello Performance

  • Jingwei Liu

    Jingwei Liu


    M.A. in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

    B.S. in Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong, China 

    Emphasis: Computer Music

    AI Music Generation; Quantative examination of perceptual problems of music and general arts, humanity under neural network architecture; interactive artificial agent design

  • Kosuke Matsuda

    Kosuke Matsuda

    Email: (he, him)

    M.M. in Artist Diploma from University of Miami, Frost School of Music

    M.M. Aichi University of the Fine Arts, Japan

    Emphasis: Performance, Percussion

  • Aaron Mencher

    Aaron Mencher


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Chad McKell

    Chad McKell


    M.S. in Acoustics and Music Technology, University of Edinburgh 

    M.S. in Physics, Wake Forest University 

    B.S. in Biophysics, Brigham Young University 

    Emphasis: Computer Music

    My research covers mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of acoustic systems. Current research projects include geometric boundary modeling for acoustic wave simulation; non-spherical harmonics for acoustic simulation, capture, and rendering; and physical simulation of cochlear fluid dynamics. I am especially interested in applications of acoustic simulation in audio technology and hearing science.

  • Michelle Mackenzie

    Michelle Mackenzie


    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

  • Alejandrina M. Medina

    Alejandrina M. Medina

    Email: (she/ella)

    M.A. in Music-Integrative Studies, UC San Diego

    B.M. in Performance Studies, Lawrence University - Conservatory of Music

    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

    Affect/Trans Studies/Latinx Feminism/Sound and Performance/Anarchism

    Alejandrina Melinda Medina is an experimental writer whose work theorizes state power, asethetic production, and sensorial knowledge through 20th and 21st Century Latinx/Latin American music, sound, and performance. Medina's dissertation project, "Latina Loudness: Sensing Excess in las Américas" develops a theory of the Latina through the excess of presence as a means of disrrupting rationalized modes of comportment in late liberal and humanist frameworks of minoritarian representative. Fundamentally, loudness serves to critque agency through queer materialism, (dis)abled capacity, and transmutative form. 


  • Pauline Ng

    Pauline Ng


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Douglas Osmun

    Douglas Osmun


    M.M. in Composition, University of Missouri

    B.M. in Composition, Western Michigan University

    Emphasis: Composition

    Douglas Osmun is a composer and improviser working largely in the domain of digital media, exploring how contexts shape interactive experiences or improvisatory structures and how they blur the boundaries between composer, performer, audience, and artificial intelligence. Osmun’s work is permeated by recurring themes of digital materiality, speculative interfaces, AI mediation, cybernetic subjectivity, and tech-ideology.
  • Kat Pittman

    Kat Pittman

    Email: (they/them, she/her)

    M.A. University of California San Diego

    B.A. University of California Berkeley

    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

     Critical historiographies of wind bands and marching bands and their lasting impacts on contemporary pedagogy in the United States

  • Paul Roth

    Paul Roth


    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

  • Max Schaffer

    Max Schaffer

    Email: (they, she)

    B.A. History and Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Harvard College

    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

    Our research gec focuses on practices of virtual trans embodiment & vocal modulation techniques gec in digital communities, in which the separation between self & other skibidi are fractured. We explore what methods gec can be deployed in the always-online world to realize trans gec futurist politics in the present, tracing musical ancestries which gec show digital curation as a crucial technology of survival. 

  • Berk Schneider

    Berk Schneider


    Emphasis: Performance, Trombone 

  • Kevin Schwenkler

    Kevin Schwenkler


    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

  • Peter Sloan

    Peter Sloan

    Email: (he, him, his)

    M.M. in Music, Mills College

    B.A. in Philosophy, University of Alabama

    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

    Ethnography/sound studies, audible politics, music theory for whales

  • Janet Sit

    Janet Sit

    Email: (she, her, hers)

    M.Mus. Composition, University of Victoria; Canada

    B.Mus. Composition, University of Toronto; Canada

    B.Mus. Zoology, University of Toronto; Canada

    Emphasis: Composition 

    Timbres(sounds)-resonances(spaces), sound art/sound installations, underwater acoustics, ocean humanities, feminist critical theories, electronic music 

  • Nicholas Solem

    Nicholas Solem


    Emphasis: Computer Music

  • Sang Song

    Sang Song


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Jonathan Stallings

    Jonathan Stallings


    Emphasis: Composition 

  • Jacob Sundstrom

    Jacob Sundstrom


    Emphasis: Computer Music

  • Jasper Sussman

    Jasper Sussman


    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

  • Grace Talaski

    Grace Talaski


    Emphasis: Performance, Clarinet

  • Alexander Taylor

    Alexander Taylor


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Anthony Vine

    Anthony Vine


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Delong Wang

    Delong Wang


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Zehao Wang

    Zehao Wang


    B.S. Mathematics, Data Science, Peking University

    Emphasis: Computer Music

    Computer Music Software, Human-Computer Interaction, Instrument Design, Sound Synthesis and Physical Modeling, Musical Acoustics, Theatre


  • Ilana Waniuk

    Ilana Waniuk


    Emphasis: Performance, Violin

  • Ess Whiteley

    Ess Whiteley

    Email: (they, them)

    B.M. in Composition, McGill University 

    Emphasis: Composition

    ess (‘s’) whiteley is a composer, multimedia artist, and improvisor working primarily with electronics and intermedia. They are interested in cyborg consciousness, computer hallucinations, embodiment, ecology, and Deep Listening in the context of virtually entangled, post-internet life and the Cthulucene.

  • Sora Woo

    Sora Woo


    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

  • Cherrie Yu

    Cherrie Yu


    M.A. Music, University of California San Diego

    B.A. Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong 

    Emphasis: Integrative Studies

    Japanese anime, voice studies, transnationalism, transmedia ethnography

    As a Hong Kong person, my transpacific and multilingual background supports my research interest involving the transnational aspect of Japanese popular culture, particularly anime music. My current project explores the transnational experience of listening to Japanese anime voice actors/actresses in relation to the postmodern desire for Japaneseness.

  • Ni Zheng

    Ni Zheng


    Emphasis: Composition

  • Miguel Zazueta

    Miguel Zazueta


    Emphasis: Performance, Voice

  • Yongyun Zhang

    Yongyun Zhang


    M.M. University of Washington

    B.M. College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati 

    Emphasis: Performance, Percussion

    Percussion performance and cross-cultural musical expressions

  • Devansh Zurale

    Devansh Zurale

    Email: (he, him, his)

    M.S. Music & Technology, Carnegie Mellon University 

    B.E. Electronics Engineering, Mumbai University; India

    Emphasis: Computer Music

    Audio AI & DSP